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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be referred by a doctor?

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You do not need to be referred by your physician to BounceBack®. BounceBack coaches provide a service in partnership with a Health and Social Services Professional, who retains clinical responsibility for your health for the duration of the program. You can enroll yourself if you are already connected to a health care professional. If not, it is possible to find a health care professional who would assume temporary clinical responsibility. To do this, you can find out the best way to proceed in your area through the psychosocial intake of your local CLSC (811 option 2). Be sure to include this person's contact information when you fill out the online registration form. Our team will contact this person on your behalf and follow up as needed. Your BounceBack coach will contact your identified health provider to notify them of your referral to the program, results from questionnaires completed during the program intake and completion, and if there are any concerns about personal safety.

Do I need a mental health diagnosis to participate in BounceBack®?

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No diagnosis is required to participate in BounceBack. In order to monitor your progress, the coach will ask you to fill out health and wellness questionnaires along the way. The coach will never make a diagnosis. It is best to discuss this topic with your health care professional.

Does BounceBack® protect my private information?

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Protecting your privacy is very important to us. All information that we collect from you in the BounceBack® program is stored electronically on a secure Canadian-based server. Our coaches are trained to ensure that your privacy and confidentiality are upheld to the highest standard. Read more about our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

How is BounceBack® different from counselling?

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In counselling, the clinician – such as a social worker, psychologist, or a registered counsellor or psychotherapist – is responsible for both teaching and supporting you through the process. On the other hand, BounceBack® involves self-led learning with added supportive coaching. BounceBack® is structured so that the workbooks are the teacher and the coach is your guide.

How much time do you recommend I spend on BounceBack® each week?

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We recommend that you spend 20-30 minutes, two or three times a week on the materials. However, we recognize everyone’s life is different and so too are a person’s commitments. What’s important is finding a pace that works best for you; one where you can routinely and consistently progress through the program. Practicing what you learn in BounceBack® is ongoing. Mental health maintenance is a daily process and we hope the program will help you establish this routine in your own life.

I don’t want anything sent to my home address. How will you ensure my privacy?

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We will not send you any mail to your home address, unless you specify that you would like something mailed to you. For instance, you have the option to receive the workbooks in the mail or view them online. Your coach will confirm where you would like your workbooks mailed prior to sending them. Read more about our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy

Is BounceBack® effective?

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Yes. The BounceBack approach offers exercises using cognitive-behavioural techniques. These simple skills and techniques have been shown to be effective in helping people overcome mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Is this a therapy program?

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No. BounceBack is not the equivalent of psychotherapy. It is self-care; in the form of psychological education that allows you to develop skills to better manage your life’s difficulties.

What are the benefits of BounceBack®?

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As a result of their participation in BounceBack, the majority of participants report less worry, fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety, improved selfconfidence and life satisfaction and better overall health.

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

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**BounceBack is not the equivalent of psychotherapy. The BounceBack approach offers exercises using cognitive-behavioural techniques. As the name suggests, CBT focuses on the way we think (“cognitive”) and act (“behavioural”). The concept behind CBT is that our thoughts about a situation affect how we feel and how we behave in that situation. Skills you learn in CBT are useful, practical and helpful strategies that can be incorporated into everyday life to help you cope better with future stressors and difficulties. One example of CBT in practice would be to imagine you’re walking in a park. While in the park, a friend walks by, but doesn’t acknowledge you. You may think your friend doesn’t like you and you may get angry or feel hurt. BUT you could also assume that your friend is having a tough day and missed you while pre-occupied with a difficult problem they were having. The second thought might not lead you to feel angry or hurt, but rather concerned for your friend. CBT breaks down the situation to help us understand how the way we think (“cognitive”) and the way we respond (“behavioural”) affect each other. By separating the way we feel from the way we act, we gain more control of our mind and therefore choose healthier behaviours. In our park example, we might dismiss our initial anger or hurt and make the effort to connect with our friend.

Have a question that is not listed here?

Contact us and a BounceBack® staff member will connect with you as soon as possible.

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