What is BounceBack®?
What is BounceBack®?
It’s common to feel low, stressed out, worried, depressed, irritable, angry or nothing at all. With the right tools and practice, you can reclaim your mental health. You have the power to make positive changes, and we are here to help.
BounceBack® offers two types of support:
1. Telephone coaching with skill-building workbooks designed to improve well-being.
2. Videos with practical tips on mood management, sleep habits, confidence building, problem solving and healthy living.
With BounceBack®, you’ll have access to a trained coach and skill-building workbooks that can be selected to fit your needs.
BounceBack® Coaching
BounceBack® Videos
A glance at the materials
Adults can choose from among 20 workbooks and there are 9 booklets specially designed for youth. The materials are adaptable and flexible to meet your specific needs.